Saturday, June 27, 2009

A first post we had this crazy idea that people would like to be kept up to date a little more w/ what we are doing down here and today seemed like a good day to start...

So today was our church's first attempt at a neighborhood BBQ for the kids. However, someone let the northerners do all the planning...who knew that, come the end of June, you don't plan a mid afternoon party in the south? Apparently our cold trip to Michigan had us thinking that this would be a good idea. Well, temperatures reached 98 today...the hottest day of the year so far and 2:00 found us and the few kids who showed up cramming into the little shade that could be found in the corners of the park. It was really too hot even for some games of washoes...they were a little hot when touched.

In all honesty it wasn't too bad for a first attempt and the kids seemed to have fun and free food is good. We managed to survive about two hours w/ brief forays out into the sun to attempt some basketball...really just shooting, no running...and throwing the football around. Many of the kids came back over to our house afterward and we had a fun evening of chasing all the kids around. Next month maybe we'll try more of an evening time when it seems that the sane people come out.

In other Kelly related news...toilet training progresses in interesting twists. Yesterday she proudly announced from the bathroom, "Dad, I peed!" Then came the fateful question, "Dad, can you help me?" Let's run through this. Did she pee?...yes. Was it in the toilet?...yes Well, then what's the problem?...oh, that she chose to sit on the toilet with all of her clothes still on. Despite Kelly's enthusiasm...we are going to label this as an unsuccessful attempt.

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